
Showing posts with the label cold

how to stay safe and healthy in cold weather.

  सर्दिओ के मौसम के लिए अद्भुत जानकारी आप के और परिवार के लिए   भीषण ठंड में जिनकी आयु 45 वर्ष से अधिक है, उन्हें रात में 10 बजे सोने के बाद से जब भी बिस्तर से उठे, तब आप  एकदम से ना उठे। क्योँकि ठंड के कारण शरीर का ब्लड गाढ़ा हो जाता है तो वह धीरे धीरे कार्य करने के कारण पूरी तरह हार्ट में नहीं पहुँच पाता और शरीर छूट जाता है.  इसी कारण से शर्दी के महीनों में 45 वर्ष से ऊपर के लोगों की ह्रदयगति रुकने से दुर्घटनाए अत्यधिक होती पाई गई हैं, इसलिए हमें सावधानी अत्यधिक बरतने की आवश्यकता है। यही सुझाव में भी देता हु। * *साढ़े तीन मिनिट:   मेरी  सलाह!* *जिन्हें सुबह या रात में सोते समय  पेशाब करने जाना पड़ता हैं उनके लिए विशेष सूचना!!* हर एक व्यक्ति को इसी साढ़े तीन मिनिट में सावधानी बरतनी चाहिए. *यह इतना महत्व पूर्ण क्यों है?*  यही साढ़े तीन मिनिट अकस्माक होने वाली मौतों की संख्या कम कर सकते हैं। जब जब ऐसी घटना हुई हैं, परिणाम स्वरूप तंदुरुस्त व्यक्ति भी रात में ही मृत पाया गया हैं . ऐसे लोगों के बारे में हम कहते हैं, कि कल ही हमने इनसे बात की थी। ऐसा अचानक क्या हुआ? यह कैसे मर गया? इसका मुख्य क

how to stay safe and healthy in cold weather.

      The secret to  Enjoy Long life and healthy aging.   In severe cold, those who are above 45 years of age have been out of bed since they went to bed at 10 p.m., Then you did not get up at all. Because the blood of the body thickens due to cold, it does not reach the heart completely due to slow functioning and the body is released. That is why accidents due to cardiac arrest of people above 45 years of age have been found to be very high in the winter months,   So, we need to be careful. Suggestion & 3.5 minutes: Advice!   *Special information for those who have to urinate while sleeping in the morning or at night... * Every person should be careful in these three and a half minutes. *Why is it so important?*  These can reduce the number of accidental deaths by three and a half minutes. When such an incident has taken place, as a result, even a fit person has been found dead at night.   About such people, we say that we spoke to them yesterday itself. What happened suddenly? H

Just a Reminder

  * Just a Reminder *   Never identify an illness or dis-ease with yourself   D on't say MY cold, MY sore throat, MY migraine headache, never say MY tumor or MY cancer . Bus Yoon Hee   The cells in your body are always listening to your thoughts, Whatever maybe our names but we are nothing but the only bunch of cells. Nobody should try to tackle any disease with the idea that it's THEIR disease.  These conditions don't belong to you! They've just come across your path. Instead...... talk differently to yourself;  MY STRENGTH,   MY COURAGE,   MY HEALTHY BODY*  ~ these are the things you want to be owning  The placebo effect is a perfect example of the power of the mind over physical disease.  And illness of the body registers as being an illness in your mind & consciousness. Bus Yoon Hee   When your consciousness shifts to one of health, the body must also shift to align to health. Next time you feel sickness coming on, try visualizing healing on yourself and stay in