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एक माँ के आठ झूठ

  एक माँ के आठ झूठ यह कहानी तब शुरू होती है जब मैं बच्चा था: मैं गरीब पैदा हुआ था। अक्सर हमारे पास खाने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं था। जब भी हम कुछ खाते थे, माँ अक्सर मुझे अपने चावल का हिस्सा देती थीं। जब वह अपने चावल को मेरे कटोरे में स्थानांतरित कर रही थी, तो वह कहती थी "यह चावल खाओ, बेटा! मुझे भूख नहीं है।" यह माँ का पहला झूठ था। जैसे-जैसे मैं बड़ा हुआ, माँ ने अपना खाली समय हमारे घर के पास एक नदी में मछली पकड़ने के लिए दिया; उसे उम्मीद थी कि उसने जो मछली पकड़ी है, वह मुझे मेरे विकास के लिए थोड़ा और पौष्टिक भोजन दे सकती है। एक बार जब वह सिर्फ दो मछलियाँ पकड़ लेती, तो वह मछली का सूप बनाती। जब मैं सूप खा रहा था, तो माँ मेरे पास बैठी और जो मछली मैंने खाई थी उसकी हड्डी पर जो बचा था उसे खा लिया, जब मैंने उसे देखा तो मेरा दिल छू गया। एक बार मैंने उसे अपनी चॉपस्टिक पर दूसरी मछली दी लेकिन उसने तुरंत मना कर दिया और कहा, "यह मछली खा लो बेटा! मुझे वास्तव में मछली पसंद नहीं है।" यह माँ का दूसरा झूठ था। फिर, मेरी शिक्षा के लिए धन देने के लिए, माँ कुछ इस्तेमाल किए गए माचिस की डिब्बिय


  EIGHT LIES OF A MOTHER   This story begins when I was a child: I was born poor. Often we hadn't enough to eat. Whenever we had some food, Mother often gave me her portion of rice. While she was transferring her rice into my bowl, she would say "Eat this rice, son! I'm not hungry." This was Mother's First Lie. As I grew, Mother gave up her spare time to fish in a river near our house; she hoped that from the fish she caught, she could give me a little bit more nutritious food for my growth. Once she had caught just two fish, she would make fish soup. While I was eating the soup, mother would sit beside me and eat what was still left on the bone of the fish I had eaten, My heart was touched when I saw it. Once I gave the other fish to her on my chopstick but she immediately refused it and said, "Eat this fish, son! I don't really like fish." This was Mother's Second Lie. Then, in order to fund my education, Mother went to a Match Factory to bring

When we grow old | जब हम बूढ़े हो जाते हैं

When we grow Old A  man of 92 years, short, very well-presented, who takes great car e  in his appearance, is moving into an old people's home today. His wife of  70 years recently died, and he is obliged to leave his home. After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby, he gently smiles as he is told that his room is ready.  As he slowly walks to the elevator, using his Cane, I describe his small room to him, including the sheet hung at the window which serves as a curtain. " I like it very much," he says, with the enthusiasm of an8 years old boy who has just been given a new bicycle. " Sir, you haven't even seen the room yet hang on a moment, we are almost there". " That has nothing to do with it" he replied. " Happiness is something I choose in Advance. Whether or not I like the room, does not depend on the furniture, or the decor.........rather it depends on how I decide to see it". " It is already decided in my mind th