
Showing posts with the label Healthy lifestyle

10 ways to Respect Healthy Environment Globally

  Keep in mind Consumption Over Time, I have realized that I am taking   far more from the universe than I will ever be able to give it back.   The constant practice of distinguishing between needs and desires has been an eye-opener for all of us on the earth.  The effort is to live responsibly, the effort is to live with a conscience and can do with a few following steps and actions. For example: 1. Do I really need water that's being poured into my glass in the restaurant?   When I leave the restaurant table,won't that water will go down to the drain and gutter? I have to consume drinking water and being fair to, people who have been traveling for miles, and yet what they get is, hardly safe drinking water sufficiently enough for their families? 2. Do I really need to wrap that gift by  buying' free gift' wrapping paper?   Because that shiny/non-biodegradable paper literally is being trashed and discarded once the gift is opened? 3. Do I really need to buy gifts when

What are 18 Important Medical Numbers for You, Me, and Society

What are 18   Important Medical Numbers for You, Me, and Society 1. Blood pressure:  120/80    2.Pulse:  70-100 3.Temperature:  36.8-37*C. 4.Respiration:  12-16. 5.Hemoglobin: Male(13.50-18)/dl.    Female :  (11.50-16)/dl. 6. Cholesterol: 130-200. 7.Potassium:  3.50-5. 8. Sodium:  135-145. 9. Triglycerides:  220. 10. The amount of blood in the body:  5-6       liters. 11.Sugar:  for children(70-130).       Adults:  70-115. 12.Iron: 8-15 mg./dl. 13.White blood cells:  4000-11000. 14.Platelets:  150,000-400,000. 15.Red blood cells:  4.50-6 million. 16.Calcium:  8.6-10.3mg/dL. 17.Vitamin D3:  20-50 ng/ml(nanograms per ml). 18.Vitamin B12:  200-900 pg/ml. ( Please preserve this data for future references) Tips for those who have reached the age of 40, 50,60 years, and above, may God bless you with obedience, health, and wellness...   ▪ 1st Advice:  You have to do Cupping   ( Cupping is an ancient healing therapy that some people use to ease the pain),  every year, even if you do not feel s

Healthy Living Tool Kit for Ladies & Gentlemen

 Healthy Living  for  Ladies & Gentlemen Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important  things you can do to protect your & family's health. In fact,  up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke can be  prevented through your life choices and habits,  such as eating a healthy diet and being physically active. A healthy diet can help lower your risk of heart disease and stroke by, improving Cholesterol levels Reducing B.P. helping you manage body weight & Controlling your blood sugar. So what is a Healthy & balanced diet? Top doctors & dieticians of the world recommend a variety of healthy foods each day. This includes eating plant-based foods more frequently and highly processed or ultra-processed foods less often. A healthy diet Consist of: 1. Eating lots of vegetables and fruits, are one of the most important diet habits. Vegetables and fruit are packed with nutrients (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber) and help you maintain a heal

Right Way To Drink Water, Tips to drink water, Simple way to drink water, Correct way to drink water

  Correct Way To Drink Water पानी पीने का सही तरीका जानिए और रोगी होने से बचिए, पानी पीने के गलत समय, गलत तरीके और गलत मात्रा तीनों का परिणाम हमें पेट दर्द, खराब पाचन,Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Kidney problemsआदि परेशानियों की तरफ ले जा सकता है, इसलिए पानी पीने का सही तरीका जानकर आप स्वयं को बीमार पड़ने से बचा सकते हैं। वर्तमान में हर कोई स्वयं को फिट रखना चाहता है,  इसके लिए  ढेरों तरीके अपनाते हैं।आज हम उठने-बैठने, डाइट प्लान से संबंधित, एक्सरसाइज करने , का समय-तरीका, किसी भी बीमारी का उपाय लगभग हर जानकारी एक क्लिक की मदद से प्राप्त कर लेते हैं, और दुनिया भर की चीजों पर हमारी नजर होती है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि जल जिसे जीवन की संज्ञा प्राप्त है, उसके सही तरीके और पीने के समय से हीअनजान हैं। इस बात पर शायद आपकी प्रतिक्रिया हो सकती है कि, पानी पीने का भी कोई तरीका होता है जब प्यास लगी पानी पी लिया। परंतु आपको जानकर हैरानी होगी कि पानी पीने का गलत समय और तरीकाभी हमारे शरीर में बीमारियों को  दे सकता है।  BusYoonHee आज इस बारे में भी जान लीजिए,क्या है सही समय •आयुर्वेद की मानें तो शरी