Benefits of eating on the floor

This post is for all of us for a healthy and long life, send it to everyone, Bus. Yoon...hee.

Benefits of eating on the floor

Have you ever wondered why Rishis and Maharishis used to sit on the ground floor and eat in ancient times? They were neither rude nor lower-strata, then why would they choose the land to eat.

When we sit on the ground and eat, either we sit on the ground with a Crossed-Legs, it is Sukhasana or Adradha Padmasana. Sitting in this Asana calms the brain and activates our digestive system. Sitting in this posture is believed to indicate the secretion of digestive juices required to digest food to the stomach brain so that the food is digested quickly.

Today we sit on the ground and count the meaning and benefits of eating, which we are still completely unaware of.  

Bus Yoon Hee

* Beneficial for health:

Eating food sitting on the ground does not mean eating just food, it is a kind of Yoga Asana. According to Indian tradition, when we sit on the ground and eat, that method is seen as Sukhasana or Padmasana. This asana is very beneficial to our health.

* Decrease in blood pressure:

Sitting in this manner emphasizes the lower part of the spine, giving the body a comfortable experience. This slows down the breath a little, reduce muscle tension, and also reduces blood pressure. 


* Digestion:

Sitting in this asana also improves digestion, thereby digesting food quickly. Now see that sitting on the ground and eating food not only is enjoying food but also doing yoga.

* Improve digestion:

Sitting on the ground and eating has to bend towards the plate to eat, it is a natural pose. The process of bending forward and then reversing continuously keeps your abdominal muscles working continuously, thereby improving digestion.

* Strength of the main parts of the body:

When sitting in the padmasana to eat, there is a constant stretch in the stomach, lower back, and hip muscles, which relieves pain and discomfort, which can help improve health if the stretch persists in this muscle.

* Keep weight under control:

Sitting and getting up on the ground is considered a good exercise, eating requires sitting on the ground and then getting up, this Semi-Padmasana asana slowly helps in eating and digesting food well. You know that eating together can make family bonding strong, as well as avoid mental stress by sitting in Padmasana so that you can have a good time with your family.

* Knee exercise:

Eating on the ground keeps the whole body healthy, improves digestion, as well as bends your knees to sit on the ground. It also leads to better knee exercises, maintains flexibility, thereby avoiding joint problems.

Bus Yoon Hee

* Improve posture:

Sitting in the right posture improves blood circulation in the body as well as reduces pressure in the veins, an important role of blood circulation in,  digestion. The heart plays an important role in the smooth functioning of digestion. When the food is digested quickly, the heart will also have to work less hard.

Sitting on the ground with the help of cross legs improves physical posture, the right posture is very important for a healthy body, it strengthens the muscles but also improves blood circulation.

* Heart strength & Longevity:

When the heart, body, and muscles remain healthy, the blood circulation in the body is good, it can obviously guarantee longevity.

* Let's start today: 

Don't be ashamed to sit on the ground and eat from the next time, it is a matter of longevity and good health, anyway, the tradition that our ancestors have created cannot be wrong, so understand their scientificity and follow, Bus....Yoon... hee(Blog)

Bus Yoon Hee here:


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